Services & Events
There are lots of opportunities to get involved with the life of St Peter’s. From Toddlers groups to Youth drop-in to our Pop up café to ‘life’ groups. Please see below for regular & upcoming events due to take place. For more details of each event please click for more details or contact us.
The most important thing to remember is that You are all welcome
Sunday Services
We meet as an ‘Intentionally Intergenerational’ worshipping community every Sunday at 8.30am and 10am. We also have 6pm worship every 2nd Sunday of the month. Every service is designed so that all ages stay together and help all people of every age feel welcome:
• We sit around tables with activities that everyone can get involved with as much or as little as you wish,
• Tea, coffee, cold drinks and biscuits available before and after every service.
Whether you have always gone to church, you have not been for a long time or you have never gone to church - You are all welcome.
Prayer & Praise
On the first Monday of the month 3-4.30pm
Join us for a time of Prayer, Worship & Sharing the Word of God
Next meeting on 6th January (large hall @ St Peter's)
Youth Drop in @ St Peter's
Every day from 3-5pm, term time only, the church is open for young people, years 7-11, to ‘drop in’. The drop in is open to any Secondary school age young person from any school (or home schooled). It is a space where young people can relax, do homework, play games, take shelter, have a drink and a snack and spend time with friends and more.
'Life' on a Tuesday
9.30 am - 11.00 am Weekly on Tuesday (Small hall at St Peter’s)
Term Time only
Toddlers @ Mead Vale
Every Tuesday (term time only)
1.15 pm -2.45 pm at Mead Vale Community Centre
£2 per family or for Child minders £1 per child. No booking required
Youth Drop in @ St Peter's
Every day from 3-5pm, term time only, the church is open for young people, years 7-11, to ‘drop in’. The drop in is open to any Secondary school age young person from any school (or home schooled). It is a space where young people can relax, do homework, play games, take shelter, have a drink and a snack and spend time with friends and more.
Drama 'Life' @ St Peter's
6.00 pm - 7.30 pm on Tuesdays (Term Time only)
St Peter's Pop-up Cafe
10.00 am - 12noon Weekly on Wednesdays (Large hall at St Peter’s)
Prayer 'Life' @ St Peter's
12.15pm - 1.15 pm Weekly on Wednesdays (Term Time only)
Model Railway Club
8.00 pm - 10.00pm Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday (Large hall at St Peter’s)
Toddlers @ St Peter's
10.00 am - 11.30 am Weekly on Thursdays (Term time only)
£2 per family or for Child minders £1 per child. No booking required
Youth Drop in @ St Peter's
Every day from 3-5pm, term time only, the church is open for young people, years 7-11, to ‘drop in’. The drop in is open to any Secondary school age young person from any school (or home schooled). It is a space where young people can relax, do homework, play games, take shelter, have a drink and a snack and spend time with friends and more.
Pub 'Life'
7pm - 8.30pm on Thursdays (Term time only)
at The Borough Arms, Locking Rd
'Life' on a Thursday
7.30 pm - 9.00 pm Weekly on Thursdays (in Church)
Youth Drop in @ St Peter's
Every day from 3-5pm, term time only, the church is open for young people, years 7-11, to ‘drop in’. The drop in is open to any Secondary school age young person from any school (or home schooled). It is a space where young people can relax, do homework, play games, take shelter, have a drink and a snack and spend time with friends and more.
Events in Mead Vale
We have so much going on at St Peters church and we would love to see you. But did you also know that St Peter’s church might be physically positioned in Milton but we are also the Parish Church for everyone who lives in Mead Vale. We are currently seeking to love and serve the community in Mead Vale and we are always looking at how we might do this!
Toddlers @ Mead Vale Community Hall Tuesdays 1.15 pm - 2.45 pm (term time only)
Dates for your diary
December at St Peter’s
Is full of lovely events and services which you will find a list below. There are lots of Christmassy services to choose from including ‘Messy Christmas play’ for toddlers and carol singing around Mead Vale. More information will be available on our Facebook page throughout December so please do ‘like’ or ‘follow’ us to keep a track on what is going on. We would love to see you all and as always, all ages are welcome at St Peter’s.